2 Corinthians 1:10
And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us. Often, when walking amid suffering, we may believe that God will rescue us, but it's still difficult to fully trust Him. As we read the verse above, it's almost like God knew we would struggle to trust Him, and so He makes sure to emphasize His ability to rescue. In 2 Corinthians 1:10, Paul writes of rescue three times:
You see, friend, God's plan is not to leave us in pain and hardship forever. He won't allow us to walk into a dark valley and then leave us there to wander aimlessly without end. The truth is, HE WILL RESCUE. Even if we were to walk in suffering for the rest of our lives, we can know as a follower of Christ that He will rescue us when He comes again. When we realize this, we don't need to understand why He is doing it, but only that we can trust He is in control and will be with us until the end. Whatever door He opens or whatever door He closes, we can trust Him. He is good all the time. Life Lesson: Our faith grows when we don't know what God is doing, and we still trust Him. Dear God,
Living to tell what He died to say, |