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Do you know how Satan can get a grip on you? By watching and waiting as you play the \'blame game\'. Then jumping in to make it his stronghold.">
Battle Strategies 3 Teaching Set

"We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments." 2 Corinthians 10:4

Do you know how Satan can get a grip on you? By watching and waiting as you play the 'blame game'. Then jumping in to make it his stronghold.

It starts easy. Blaming your spouse for your problems. Blaming your parents for all your problems. Blaming your children. Blaming your childhood. Blaming yourself. Even blaming God. God hates it--and all of Satan’s insidious ways of tripping us up. And He wants you to escape the stranglehold Satan has on you, by providing battle strategies to help you overcome! Get equipped for battle!

Audio Download - 5.00
CD - 19.99

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